
更新时间:2024-04-17 07:22:49 造句

  . 爷爷长年累月在山上种树,终于让荒山披上了绿装。

  Grandpa planted trees on the mountains for years, and finally put green clothes on the barren hills.

  . 地质队员长年累月地住在野外,吃在野外,工作很辛苦。

  Geological team members live and eat in the field year after year, and work very hard.

  . 勘探人员长年累月地工作在野外。

  Explorers work in the field year after year.

  . 为了维持家人的生活,他长年累月在外给人当帮工。

  In order to maintain his familys life, he worked as a helper for many years.

  . 长年累月的井下作业使他患下了风湿症。

  Years of underground work have made him suffer from rheumatism.

  . 刘老师长年累月地扑在工作上,积劳成疾,住进了医院。

  Mr. Liu has been working hard for many years and has been hospitalized.

  . 父亲当推销员,必须长年累月、栉风沐雨地在外工作。

  When my father is a salesman, he has to work outside in the rain and wind for many years.

  . 要把我们祖国建成社会主义的现代化强国,必须经过几代人的长年累月的努力。

  In order to build our motherland into a socialist modern power, we must go through the efforts of generations over the years.

  . 他这些丰富的工作经验,是长年累月积累起来的。

  His rich work experience has accumulated over the years.

  . 拉磨的驴长年累月地绕着石磨转。

  The pulled donkey milled around the stone year after year.

  . 奶奶这笔钱,是她长年累月积攒下来的。

  Grandma saved the money over the years.

  . 由于工作的原因,爸爸长年累月地在外奔波。

  Because of work, my father has been running away for years.

关键词: 生命 根基 演讲稿 范文

